When the semester first started, I already knew about purpose because it is one of the few elements they teach in elementary school. However, I had never identified it for scientific writing.
To practice this, the class was assigned multiple readings to identify their purposes, we held class discussions about it, and we also stated our purpose for each project we’ve written in our reflection papers. When writing projects, it was broken into small parts and the class usually had to determine their purpose before drafting. Now I have a clear understanding that purpose is defined as the reason for writing the text. It also serves as the determination for many other rhetorical elements such as audience and genre.
Below is a photo of my reflection paper for the multimodal project “The True Key to the Conservation of Earth”. My topic was environmental conservation and from there I developed the thesis, “The most effective environmental conservation practice for low-income, urban communities is recycling.” The purpose of this project was to persuade people into believing my thesis. In the highlighted area I further explain explain my purpose for the project.