CLO #3

Course Learning Outcome #3

“Negotiate your own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium, and rhetorical situation.”

I achieved this outcome by composing writing in different genres. Depending on which genre I was going to use, I had to determine which would best reach my audience and help them understand my content. Knowing the different genres, I would use genre conventions to shape my content to fit the one I wanted. An example of this is project #3, which is the multimodal project. I had to minimize the content of my position paper so that I could make it short enough for my flyer. I also added more languages to my flyer so that it can reach a larger audience as well. By knowing your audience, you’re able to decide what genre you should use, the best medium to deliver it, and the remaining rhetorical situation. The other rhetorical situations follow the same pattern, such as purpose. Purpose can also help you determine your genre. If you’re aiming to persuade an audience about a scientific argument, the best genre would be a position paper. To just inform them about it, it would be an informative review.