Just like purpose, I had prior knowledge of the rhetorical element audience because of previous learning. I didn’t delve that deep into it until FIQWS class, my first semester at CCNY. It is actually where I learned the most of the other rhetorical elements as well. In my FIQWS class, we learned about language subordination and in certain ways I noticed similarities with this course.
When we trying to reach a certain audience in FIQWS, we considered their demographics and academic background. The same goes for reaching an audience when scientifically writing. You have to consider non-English speakers and also if they would understand most scientific terms.
Audience is also broken into three parts: known, multiple, and unknown. This determines how exclusive you want to make your content. If you only want a certain group of people to find your texts, you have to be very selective with your writing.
While creating the flyer for my multimodal project, I created its content in a way to make it comprehensive for non-scientists and I also wrote in different languages because I wanted to gain attention from people in low-income neighborhoods and majority of the time, it includes immigrants and people with weak academic backgrounds.